Version 1.2 of DOOM is getting ready to be released. A patch will be available for those with 1.1 -- this goes for the registered version also. Everyone that registered DOOM will receive, in the mail, a patch for 1.2 from id as a way of saying *THANKS* and *SORRY* for the late shipments! Version 1.2 will have: o Serial-link and modem support for two player games (yay!) o Directed network packets -- no more broadcast packets (yay!) o FULL PAS-16 support (yay!) o A new "NIGHTMARE difficulty" in which: (TOO EASY?! hahaha...) + All missile weapons fire twice as fast + Pink demons move twice as fast + Both types of former humans shoot 3 times as often + Monsters randomly teleport in to the level, infinitely, making over 100% ratios possible! o DOOMDATA directory requirement has been removed (yay!) o Mouse and joystick control in the menus o Better joystick calibration o Perfect gameplay under Windows (yippy. what a great OS!) :) VERY soon after this patch has been released, expect v5.5 of the "Official" DOOM FAQ! Complete secret descriptions, more technical help, NEVER BEFORE SEEN DOOM tips and tricks, smaller size (by Pop. Demand), fixed grammar/minor problems, and MUCH, MUCH MORE! -- Soon to be released shareware: | Hank Leukart takes no Apogee: R A P T O R : Call of the Shadows | responsibility for the above Epic: E P I C B A S E B A L L | message. id: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | "Official" DOOM FAQ Writer